Free 25 Minute Cardio Mix!

I know a lot of the people who visit this blog frequently like to listen to music and the mixes which I create. So I thought I would provide all of you visitors a 24 minute mix of music which I use when I am doing cardio as well as let you know why this will enhance your workout!

I will be the first person to admit that doing cardio as much as I do, is hard. It’s always a process which starts with me whining about having to do cardio and then when i finally do it I end up not enjoying it at all. But over the past few years I have come up with a few tricks which have helped me not get bored with my cardio routines which I have listed below.

Switch It Up!

  • A lot of times, people get bored because all they do is the same exercise over and over again. The best way to get past this problem is simply switch up your cardio workouts every week! By switching out your cardio routines each week, you will not only get to experience something which is a different in terms of cardio, but this will also allow you to train muscles which you may not be using during your typical cardio routines. For example: If you are a runner, one great way to change things up is after a week of running try an exercise such as swimming. While running primarily challenges your leg strength, swimming will allow you to use all your muscles at once. This is a great way to improve your endurance and also keep your cardio training fresh so you dont get bored.

Join A Competition!

  • Sometimes its hard for people to stay motivated to do cardiovascular training. I have been in this situation and gotten lazy with my cardio training. The

    Training for competitions can help motivate you in your cardio training!

    way I got re-energized to do my cardio routines was to enroll in a competition such as a 5k, the jailbreak run, the warrior dash and other competitions which allow you to have fun and train with your friends. If you have a moment check out the local 5k’s and other competitions happening in your area, chances are a lot of them are supporting charities as well. So go out there compete and train hard and help someone at the same time!

High Intensitiy Interval Training (HIIT)!

  • A good number of people who I have trained have told me they hate cardio because the session gets really boring. Here is a way to spice it up. Interval training is one of the BEST ways to burn fat. What HIIT does is constantly challenges your body to perform at a moderate rate and then switch to an extremely high intensity level which allows your body to consistently be working and challenged. I have included a sample routine below, try it out! By the end of the session if you are not drenched in sweat and feeling amazing, you are doing something wrong! One thing to be aware of though, don’t perform these HIIT exercises every day! Try once a week, and then progress more when you feel stronger.
  • Sample HIIT Cardio Routine:

Total time = 20 minutes

8 minute warm up jog so you break a sweat (6.0 mph on a treadmill)
30 second sprint at your maximal effort (9-10 mph on a treadmill)
30 second quick paced jog (7 mph)
The above two 30 second intervals are cycled 7-8 times until you get to the 15 or 16 minute mark
4-5minutes cool down jog (5.0 mph on treadmill)

Music for Motivation!

  • Lastly, one of the things which has helped me out quite a bit is adding music to my workouts. Cardio can become boring if say you are running on a treadmill or on an elliptical, sometimes your just sitting there waiting for the session to be over. I have noticed that adding music to my workouts has significantly improved my workouts in 2 ways: 1. I enjoy what I am doing much more. 2. I don’t focus as much on getting done with the exercise but rather on how much I enjoy the music. For that reason I have put together a quick 25 minute mix for your cardio routine. Check out the mix HERE,  let me know what you think and also enjoy your workouts! If you need any advice or any information from